Putting a value on attention
Yesterday (November 17th) Havas Media Group (HMG) announced that the company would be including attention data in its global identity-based planning platform.
The Group’s proprietary Meaningful Media Planner (MMP) draws upon attention data from Lumen’s continuous eye-tracking panels to rank and score over 9,000 domains at a format level for the average attention they are likely to deliver. This data is used in conjunction with the vetting of domain safety from SSP partners, DSP data, and Havas’ proprietary domain categorization algorithm to create a comprehensive assessment of media placements on metrics such as viewability, attentive seconds and view rate in relation to domain, device, media type and format. This wealth of data allows planners to best direct investment against the specific KPIs of a client’s campaign.
This news follows the announcement from Lumen that it is to combine forces with Avocet to drive further technological innovation and expansion across the US and Europe, helping to reinforce the company’s position as the leading attention-measurement platform capable of omni-channel measurement.
Together with the MMP, HMG’s planners are also able to use their Meaningful Social Matrix (MSM) – a proprietary tool that measures social ad placements by their attention in relation to cost and brand suitability which again draws upon Lumen data.
Jonathan Waite, Global Managing Director of Mx Development for the Havas Media Group, and Lumen’s CEO Mike Follett gave us an overview of their work on attention earlier this month at the 2022 asi International Television & Video Conference in Nice (their presentation can be watched in the video below– interrupted briefly by a powercut which Jon dealt with brilliantly).