Cross-media KPIs and their impact
Cross-media measurement will remain high on the agenda throughout 2025 with important initiatives progressing in many markets. The starting point for such cross-media projects is accurate and reliable cross-platform video measurement and close attention will be paid to the progress of the regulatory framework for audience measurement established by the EU last year, which was discussed at our conference in Venice in November (see here). Recent changes in direction announced by the platforms suggest that the Audience Measurement Coalition (AMC) is likely to have a busy year.
One of the most important issues to be resolved if progress is to be made is for the industry to agree on common standards acceptable to all. For video, should there be one standard metric – as there has been for years for TV – or should there be multiple standards reflecting the diverse nature of online/video/TV advertising? The focus on time spent viewing to distinguish between TV and online metrics is essential to the MRC cross-media standard and this has practical consequences which were examined in relation to the French market by Alexandra Simpelaere and Julien Rosanvallon of Médiamétrie at the conference in Venice (see video below). How do the various standards tested impact the number of impressions (or GRPs) delivered and the reach and frequency?
They also announced that Médiamétrie has established a Cross-Media Video Committee to encourage a constructive dialogue between media, platforms, agencies and advertisers and work towards the development of common metrics. We look forward to hearing of the progress they make at this year’s asi conference on November 5th to 7th (venue to be announced).