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asiCast 176: Assessing the impact of AI on media and advertising

Whilst there is a lot of talk about AI currently, much of it is fairly general so our Research Director, Richard Marks, took the opportunity to interview Guy Bisson, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Ampere Analysis, and discuss a report Guy has produced on how AI is being used in… Read more

asiCast 175: Who Cares? – measurement and accountability

Following concerns that had been raised about the current state of the advertising business, two former agency leaders, Brian Jacobs, Founder and CEO of BJ&A, and Nick Manning, Co-Founder of Manning Gottlieb Media, decided to set up an initiative (Who Cares?) that would encourage like-minded people to look more closely… Read more

asiCast 174: egta’s five priorities for multiplatform TV and audio

Recently, egta, the international trade body for multiplatform TV and audio businesses, celebrated its 50th anniversary and announced its new industry charter. Effectively a mission statement for commercial broadcasters in an age of multi-platform TV and audio, the charter outlined five priorities to be addressed. Our Research Director Richard Marks… Read more

Programme update – 2024 asi International Conferences

Detailed planning is now underway for this year’s International Radio & Audio and TV & Video Conferences in Venice. This will be our 34th annual gathering of leading audience measurement specialists from around the world!  We’d like to hear from you about what topics you are particularly keen for us… Read more

asiCast 173: How UKOM integrates YouTube data

How valuable is a people-based panel as a starting point for data integration? With the direction of travel for most currencies now being towards expanding their datasets, we were keen to find out more about the integration of YouTube data into the Ipsos iris panel data that drives the UKOM… Read more

asiCast 172: Making the most of attention

Are the different methods used to evaluate attention leading to confusion in the marketplace and is there a way to determine which to adopt? There are two approaches usually taken, with one making an assessment applying biometrics whilst the other applies measures of media quality. In a recent article in… Read more

asiCast 171: Nielsen and YouTube expand measurement to CTVs

Nielsen is expanding its CTV measurement of YouTube into 11 markets so it seems an appropriate time to find out a little more about what the new service will provide. Our Research Director Richard Marks talks with Deirdre Thomas, Chief Product Officer at Nielsen Audience Measurement. Richard explores with Deirdre… Read more

asiCast 170: Managing change in challenging times for the JICs

As the TV industry and the JICs it serves face a number of common challenges around the world, Richard Marks, asi’s Research Director, interviews the new CEO of OzTAM, Karen Halligan, about the integrated VOZ service introduced in Australia to the measurement of total TV at the beginning of the… Read more

asiCast 169: Global streamers join TV’s Thinkbox

Global streaming companies have recently joined Thinkbox, the marketing body of commercial TV in the UK. In this asiCast, our Research Director Richard Marks interviews Lindsey Clay, the CEO of Thinkbox, and asks her how this came about. It would seem the need to secure advertising revenue quickly led to… Read more

asiCast 168: 2024 – a pivotal year for the global streamers

If 2023 proved to be a very problematic year for the rapidly-developing streaming market, then 2024 will prove to be pivotal as the major players seek to establish some stability and outline strategies to provide comfort to sceptical investors. In this asiCast, our Research Director Richard Marks discusses the prospects… Read more

Measurement challenges for new CEOs

The recent gathering of global specialists in audience measurement provided a valuable opportunity for the two newly-appointed CEOs of both Kantar and Nielsen to outline their current thinking in managing the complexity confronting the industry currently in interviews conducted by Omar Oakes, Editor in Chief of The Media Leader. The… Read more

Managing Complexity: 2023 Conference summary (part two)

In this second of two articles, our Research Director Richard Marks looks across the three days of our 2023 conferences in Nice to highlight some of the main themes and reflect on the current direction of travel for media and its measurement. Media owner business models are converging In part… Read more

Managing Complexity: 2023 Conference summary (part one)

In this first of two articles, our Research Director Richard Marks looks across the three days of our 2023 conferences in Nice to highlight some of the main themes and reflect on the current direction of travel for media and its measurement. Currency is not staying in its lane The… Read more

Industry challenges

In this short video from our 2023 International Television & Video Conference in Nice last week, our Research Director Richard Marks sets out some of the key challenges for media measurement and then summarises the debate across the two days of presentations and panels that followed…