Booking now open for the 2024 asi International Conferences in Venice, Italy

Once again this year the volume of submissions we have had is a reflection of just how much is going on in media and its measurement right now.

The agendas for all three days are nearly complete and are outlined below, together with information for booking both the event and venue hotel. The full agendas will be published in early September.

Click here to BOOK NOW

We are again grateful for the continued support of our sponsors: GfK for Radio & Audio, and Nielsen for Television & Video.

2024 asi International Radio & Audio Conference

Wednesday 6th November


Chaired by Paul Kennedy, Consultant and former Research Director at RAJAR

With linear radio continuing to have the dominant share of audio advertising, we’ll be showcasing new studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of radio as a medium.

As podcasts continue to grow in importance, what insights do we have on their place in the audio eco-system?  Can we crack podcast measurement that measures people not downloads?

Meanwhile, as the radio industry moves towards hybrid systems that blend recall, passive and census streaming data, what is the optimum design and how are markets reacting to new forms of data that are becoming available?

Are the current radio trading systems and metrics here to stay or is a change in approach needed?

Joint Session – Radio & Audio and Television & Video

Chaired by Katherine Page, Katherine Page Media Research Consultancy

Our main focus will be issues and challenges of common interest to audio and video.

Are we agreed on what it is we’re trying to measure – what do we mean by ‘impressions’, impact(s), attention and outcomes? How are these to be determined and who will set the standards, particularly when it comes to cross-media measurement? How can we arrive at a consensus amongst national organisations charged with overseeing their respective markets? What impact will imminent regulation have?

Meanwhile, the industry is exploring the implications of Artificial Intelligence, sustainability and the talent profile required going forward. What opportunities are there for media currencies to break out of their silos and collaborate on key common issues and technical tools?

2024 asi International Television & Video Conference

Thursday 7th November


Chaired by Lucia Antal, Head of Research and Development, Pro TV

We will be highlighting initiatives that reflect the increasing importance for broadcasters to collaborate to embrace the opportunities offered by streaming, whilst global streamers increasingly consolidate their own offerings.

We will be widening our understanding of how the streaming market is evolving with the incorporation of advertising tiers, a move towards bundling and the opportunities offered by FAST channels.

With more and more services now offering granular insights on streaming consumers, what are we learning about the changing eco-system?

Why is sport proving such an attraction to streaming services? We will have a special focus on research into sports viewership

Measurement (Session 1)

Chaired by Richard Marks, Research Director, asi

If there is consensus on the need to leverage the strengths of big data and panels in combination, how do these two elements work together? Which is in the driving seat?

What is the difference between an audience panel and a calibration panel in terms of use cases and consequent design? What advances are being made in identity resolution and personification?

How can panels be made more cost-effective in terms of design and technology? What innovations are enhancing recruitment levels and representation?

What does the future of data delivery have in store: respondent-level datasets or APIs and dashboards?


Friday 8th November


Chaired by Denise Turner, Chief Executive, Route Research

How are we leveraging the opportunities to combine first-party customer data with audience measurement to evaluate the outcomes of video advertising? How could broadcasters measure business impacts for advertisers?

What progress is being made in the measurement of attention and what insights are we seeing?

What are the first fruits of the UK Project Origin cross-media initiative?

Do we need to move from traditional TV metrics like TVRs to impressions? Are we agreed as to what an impression is? How do we define outcomes?

Measurement (Session 2)

Chaired by Richard Asquith, Richard Asquith Consulting

What progress are we making towards cross-platform video in markets around the world?

What advances are being made in post-campaign evaluation systems specifically? We’ll be highlighting a number of exciting initiatives and discussing the opportunities and challenges of working with ad server data.

What creative solutions are being designed at a local level that could have wider applications in other markets?


Book your place at this year’s conference/s by going to our BOOKING INFORMATION page on the asi website, where you will also find details of our venue, the Hilton Molino Stucky Hotel, Venice.

We offer a reduced rate for delegates booking before 20th September and have agreed a discounted rate at the hotel for those attending the conferences. We recommend you book early to guarantee your reservations at the reduced rates.

If you have any questions, you can contact us via the website or email us at
