asiCast 174: egta’s five priorities for multiplatform TV and audio

Recently, egta, the international trade body for multiplatform TV and audio businesses, celebrated its 50th anniversary and announced its new industry charter. Effectively a mission statement for commercial broadcasters in an age of multi-platform TV and audio, the charter outlined five priorities to be addressed. Our Research Director Richard Marks spoke with egta’s Director General Katty Roberfroid about each of them.

The Charter can be downloaded here and the five priorities discussed in turn are:

  • Creating quality experiences – how is quality experience to be defined and to what extent does it align with Barb’s ‘fit for TV’ concept?
  •  Improving measurement – what are the specific priorities? What constitutes good measurement?
  • Optimising the buying process – the charter stresses the need for greater clarity around definitions and standards. Richard explores with Katty the extent to which this relates back to unclear measurement terms such as ‘impressions’.
  • Proving impact and effectiveness – these are clearly the priority for the trade bodies that make up the Global TV Group and the World Radio Alliance. How can egta support these initiatives?
  • Promoting and participating in ESG – what role does egta see itself playing with this objective?

The issues identified in the Charter will be addressed at this year’s asi International Television & Video Conference on 6th to 8th November 2024 in Venice, Italy.

Katty Roberfroid talks with Richard Marks:

You can also listen to the interview by pressing play below:

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