asiCast 173: How UKOM integrates YouTube data

How valuable is a people-based panel as a starting point for data integration? With the direction of travel for most currencies now being towards expanding their datasets, we were keen to find out more about the integration of YouTube data into the Ipsos iris panel data that drives the UKOM online currency service in the UK. In this asiCast our Research Director Richard Marks speaks with Ian Dowds, CEO of UKOM, and James Oates, Audience Measurement and Media Lead at Ipsos, UK.

Ian talks through with Richard what the new service will be providing to users and how UKOM hopes to develop it further in the future, whilst James discusses with him the approach taken to integrate the YouTube data from a technical perspective. How is the data received in a privacy-safe way and does this involve the use of Virtual IDs or some other approach? There have been issues with self-reported data in the past, so how is the data validated?

Richard also explores whether the integration includes YouTube CTV data and, given the progress towards cross-platform video measurement that this represents, the extent to which this sits alongside initiatives like Project Origin. As the Ipsos iris panel also includes the BBC Compass panel (now integrated into RAJAR results) could this open the prospect of aligning YouTube audio data with RAJAR or further integrations with other currency JICs?

There are references made in this asiCast to the White Paper produced by UKOM on the use of synthetic data with people-based panels and written by the media audience measurement expert Katherine Page; this can be downloaded here. There is also reference to this recent report on the use of people-based panels in audience measurement by Kantar.

Ipsos iris has announced plans to integrate YouTube data into its Australian service later this year.

Katherine Page will be speaking at this year’s asi International Television & Video Conference on 6th to 8th November 2024 in Venice, Italy.

Ian Dowds and James Oates talk with Richard Marks:

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