asiCast 186: Streaming, advertising and the control of the Measurement Agenda
How have the streamers been performing financially since they switched from pursuing growth to achieving profitability? Our Research Director Richard Marks interviews financial analyst Ian Whittaker, Managing Director of Liberty Sky Advisors – an interview we are publishing on a day Netflix makes history in the UK with its drama ‘Adolescence’ becoming the first streaming show to top the UK’s weekly TV ratings.
In a wide-ranging interview, Richard discusses with Ian the continuing strong performance of Netflix and the likelihood of streamers expanding into sports; the over-reliance on content franchises and the need for broadcasters to step up with new, compelling programming; and the ongoing debate around broadcasters leaning into YouTube (and social media more generally) for distribution.
Widening out, will EU initiatives like the Media Freedom Act secure compliance or will the US giants follow Zuckerberg’s plea for them to ‘work with President Trump to push back on governments around the world that are going after American companies’?
Ian Whittaker will be speaking at this year’s asi International Television & Video Conference in Copenhagen on 5th to 7th November.
Ian Whittaker talks with Richard Marks:
You can also listen to the interview by pressing play below:
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