asiCast Special Edition II: What is ‘television’?

In this second asiCast Special looking at the definitions we need to agree upon when talking about the disruptive impact technology has had on the media industry, Richard Marks discusses with a number of industry thought leaders what we now mean by ‘television’.

There remains considerable confusion around video consumption – where television ends and where online video begins. Clearly this distinction may not matter much to many consumers, but for the media industry the distinction is of great significance both for advertising revenues and for those involved in content production and distribution.

We need to find a language to define the challenges and opportunities we face. This series of podcasts is an attempt to start a discussion and all opinions and perspectives are welcome.

Richard speaks to Tess Alps, Julien Rosanvallon, Nigel Walley, Brian Jacobs, Tim Elkington, Josh Chasin, Eija Moisala and Alex North.

To listen to the interview, just press play below or click here.

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