asiCast 177: Lantern – UK broadcasters team up to measure outcomes

Does television get the credit it deserves for the contribution it makes to advertisers’ profitability? Commercial broadcasters in the UK have come together to collaborate in an initiative which will demonstrate the positive relationship between TV viewers and advertising outcomes.

In this asiCast, Sameer Modha, Measurement Innovation Lead at ITV, discusses with asi’s Research Director Richard Marks the development of Lantern, the multi-outcome measurement panel being set-up by Channel 4, Sky and ITV. This collaboration is regarded as essential to provide advertisers the persuasive evidence of everything that television delivers and to ensure that it gets the credit it deserves. It recognises that for many there is a move away from a world determined by deduplicated reach to one determined by outcomes.

Sameer will be presenting more about Lantern’s progress at this year’s asi International Television & Video Conference on 6th-8th November in Venice, Italy (early booking discount closes on Friday 27th September).

Sameer talks with Richard Marks:

You can also listen to the interview by pressing play below:

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