asi Athens – day by day

At the asi International Conferences in Nice last year we introduced a new feature for delegates to enjoy after the event, called ‘Afterthought’. This has proven to be popular so we used the same format in Athens earlier this month.

At the end of each day, after delegates had left the main auditorium, our Research Director Richard Marks met with some of the delegates for an informal chat on stage about that day’s main themes and issues. For those who were in Athens, each episode should prove a useful and entertaining reminder of the event and direct you to some of the papers in the Dropbox links we sent out recently. Equally, if you didn’t attend, it will give you an idea of what went on.

There are three episodes, one for each day and each lasts around 10-15 minutes. Here are all three released in SVoD style as a mini Box Set. Many thanks to Richard’s panel members who delayed their post-conference networking to join us on stage to share their views.

Athens Afterthought Day 1 from asi conferences on Vimeo.

asi Athens Afterthought Day 2 – Thursday from asi conferences on Vimeo.

Athens Afterthought Day 3 Friday from asi conferences on Vimeo.

